
Cypher POD turns 2!

Cypher POD turns 2!

Our timetable system is coming up to 2 years old! It all started on the 16th of July 2017 when our in-house developer, Dharmesh, got started on a huge project that over the months has become a more and more valued tool for the entirety of the Cypher team. Take a look at how it’s adapted and changed over the months…

Advisory meeting, Berlin

Advisory meeting, Berlin

One of the challenges our clients face when looking to host a meeting abroad is who supplies the AV. Many hotel venues have their own in-house AV or a preferred AV supplier. Sometimes this works great but often the cost and be quite high and the outcome is not always as desired. This is what happened… 

Financial services conference and Cypher POD updates

Financial services conference and Cypher POD updates

We've recently came back from the Financial Services Tax Leaders Meetings in Amsterdam and we managed to pull off some spectacular projection for our clients. Once we had arrived at the venue, we were told the hanging lights in the main room could not be move despite being told they could on the recce.

What's next for us?

What's next for us?

Our kit has been piled up ready for collection later on today. 23 boxes, trunks and cases are ready to be transported to Amsterdam for the next Financial Services Tax Leaders meetings, which you can read about more here.

Preparation for the next job

Preparation for the next job

This week & the next we'll be preparing all of our kit for the Financial Servies Tax Leaders Conference in Amsterdam, over 30 flight cases and boxes have to be prepared for collection and eventually transportation to the venue.

Getting certified

Getting certified

After completing a two-day-long Portable Appliance Testing course Adrian and Jake successfully obtained their City and Guilds certification which gave them extensive knowledge and practical experience with testing a wide variety of PAT kit.

Taking your events to the next level!

Taking your events to the next level!

Technology may be taking over, but let’s all agree that meeting face to face will always be the best way to get stuff done. Conferences are perfect for engagement and networking to name a few things, they allow you to

What did you miss?

What did you miss?

That's 5 months down, 7 to go! We've had a fun first half of the year here at Cypher Media with jobs in Barcelona, Copenhagen, Dublin, London and Charlotte! 

Last week we tackled two jobs in London and Barcelona, both with happy clients, you can read more about the successful Barcelona here

Global Management Conference, Barcelona!

Global Management Conference, Barcelona!

Adrian and Chris are currently in Barcelona providing for a Global Management Conference being held at the gorgeous Sofia Hotel across a 4-day-long period. 

Out with the old, in with the new!

Out with the old, in with the new!

Last year we said goodbye to our beloved Canon ImagePROGRAF IPF6400 banner printer due to the discontinuation of genuine Canon ink cartridges. That model did a fantastic job covering over 10 years, but we felt like it was time for a change, instead of just using compatible cartridges.

What are talking head interviews?

What are talking head interviews?

There are many different ways to shoot interviews, one of the ways is to use a method called talking heads. The talking head interview is an effective way of formally communicating to an audience and can be easily varied for the purpose of the video.

Why should you be filming your events?

Why should you be filming your events?

Here at Cypher Media, corporate filming and event management is what we do. Not convinced? Here's why you should be.

1. e-Learning

Videos shot at events and conferences can be a great tool for your employees, whether attendees missed parts of sessions, or were unable to attend at all.