What's in Store for the Rest of 2023?

What's in Store for the Rest of 2023?

It has been a busy year here at Cypher Media, but we're not done yet! We're ending the year strong. Check out what we've got in store for our remaining few months before the festive period...

Kicking off November, we're producing and running an 8-hour livestream for one of our pharmaceutical clients, who provide assistance to the worlds largest medical library. The livestream will consist solely of virtual speakers all around the globe hosting their presentations. We provide the Q&A function by simply embedding Slido onto our livestream landing page for audience interaction. If you'd like to know more about what goes into creating an interactive livestream, click here to read a recent deep dive into the The Process Behind Producing Livestreams.

Following this, the team is packing their bags and heading to Rome, Italy. We'll be providing our AV expertise to assist at the final Global Tax Symposium of 2023 being hosted at the lovely Rome Cavalieri Waldorf Astoria Hotel. Our extended team, consisting of around 25 crew, are set to work tirelessly to ensure this event goes as smoothly as the next! 

Our second-to-last event of the year follows right off the back of Rome's Global Tax Symposium. In fact, the majority of our crew are flying directly from Rome to Madrid to get started on the end-of-year International Tax, Legal & People Academy being hosted at The Madrid Marriott Auditorium, which boasts one of the largest conference spaces in Europe. 

And last but not least - to see off 2023 we'll be travelling to Chantilly, France to provide our hands-on assistance for a graduation programme for one of our global finance clients. An exciting event for a new client where the team will be providing set, stage and all the necessary kit to help the main room run smoothly. We'll also be providing 7' by 9'  exhibition booths that come equipped with a 55" touch screen TV.